The Turning of the Season

It’s cold now. A depression roared in from the Atlantic last week and we still have blustery showers, and the first snow on the tops.  When I say snow on the tops I don’t mean Ben Nevis, the Ben has had snow for some weeks now, but snow on the hills opposite us on south Loch Ness…...hills around 200ft
The mornings have become dark and I have become very sluggish getting out to the garden. In less than a week the clocks will go back and we will have some brighter mornings, though colder of course.
No frost yet, but raw, wet mornings. I keep glancing at the met office forecasts looking for a mild settled spell to see out the last of the autumn colour. No luck that I can see.
The colour is still wonderful and now that the flashy early reds of Acers and Horse Chestnuts and Geans are through, the colours are taking on russet depths that clothe and pillow the hills in birch and oak.
A bright sunny day would be food for the soul.

Oh to be a Movie Star

In September the production team arrived.  Donald was on duty, smiling and informative and demonstrating amazing patience as they take and retake and take again.

It was a crew from Tern TV and they came to film for a Gaelic TV gardening programme. Donald, despite his Gaelic speaking roots stuck to English

The exercise was to buy 3 plants for a garden on Skye. Not necessarily plants that would suit Skye, but something Interesting.

They chose
Pseudowintera colorata
Eryngium bourgatii Graham Stuart Thomas
Eucryphia milliganii
 All of which will thrive in the wet warm west.
They started about 2pm and worked through around  4 hours… tea breaks. These guys are made of stern stuff.

This was all done to the intermittent whining of a local chainsaw, the occasional low flying aircraft and heavy lorries. All of this pleased the sound man.
And like TV crews we have dealt with before, they were a pleasure to meet and work with. Good fun

You know the old saying “Never work with Children and animals” . Well true to form, our old dog, West,  was ready to make new friends and hog the camera, but no go, they sent him home!
But watch out for him skulking in the bushes.
The finished product will be on TV Alba in January…such a long time away.